Home Page
Conservation Projects
Programs for Landowners
District Newsletter
Coming Events
Contact Directors and Staff
Email me!

This is where you add in your text for your Welcome Page.

Your welcome page should clearly state WHO your District is, WHAT you do, and WHERE you are located.

Add some interesting text that will encourage people to explore the whole site.

Avoid putting links (going off your site) on this page. After all, you've worked hard to get people here, don't let them get away!

Talk about your projects, or a coming event. Mention the services and programs that people can use to put conservation to work for them. Tell them about free technical assistance, free literature, free workshops.

Mention your newsletter and ask them to sign up for an e-mail version. Get connected with your visitor right away. Think of this as an opportunity to invite them into your virtual office to get acquainted. Give them reasons to explore the site more thoroughly.

Note: Modify the blank buttons with text to make them match your topics, and rename them if needed. Provide alt descriptions to match.

[Index] [Projects] [Programs] [News] [Events] [Contacts]

ABC District
Office Address
Town, State, Zip
Phone and Fax Numbers
E-Mail:Your E-mail Address