Developing Your Internet Presence
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Developing an effective Internet Presence for your Conservation District takes the same type of planning as your Long Range District Plan. You will be making decisions about long-term communications goals and objectives, and determine actions to implement on your web site to reach those targets.

Your web site can be an effective vehicle to communicate with your constituents, your conservation partners and the people in your community. It is also a way for people around the world to understand your activities to secure the adoption of good land stewardship practices in your geographic area.


Who is your "Internet Audience"

This question, despite its apparent simplicity, is actually an extremely important one for good Web page design.

It's the first question you need to ask before starting to plan a web site.

How will you target them?


Who will visit your web site? Before you can design a site you need to draw up a profile of your intended audience:
  • What is it that they want to know?
    (... not what do you want to tell them).
  • What kind of people are they likely to be?
  • What kind of interests are they likely to share?

Key factors in a Web site's long-term success

As an Information Provider, you owe it to your users to begin your Web site design by putting yourself in the Information seeker's shoes. If you were looking for conservation information what would you hope to find?
  • New information?

  • Useful, hard-to-find data?

  • Unique local content?

  • A place to "connect" with technical assistance?
Web site planning is a strategic planning process. Many of you have participated with in NACD workshops: What are your constituents critical concerns and how can you address those concerns at your web site?

NACD's "Workbook for Marketing Conservation Services" is an excellent tool for defining your conservation audience and easily adaptable for use in web site planning.

NACD's Catalog of Capacity-Building Tools


Your Web Site Visitor Profile

Who are you currently working with? Or who would you like to work with? (example list) What is their relationship to your Districts Plans? How can you interact with these Folks through your web site?
Forest Landowner Fuels build up Information about cost share programs.
Information about fuel reduction benefits
Conservation Agency cover regulation impacts for landowners off-site links to regulatory information.
List District technical assistance.
New Farmer Tillage practices Information on coming workshop.
Email Newsletter
School Teacher Conservation Education Curriculum information
Workshop announcements
Email to contact at office.


NACD Workshop 2: Web Design
created by Cyber-SierraRUNNING HORSE
Your Internet Presence How Web Sites Work Say What? Design Basics Navigation
Get Repeat Visits Edit your Pages Need a Pro? Need a Domain? Market your Site
Workshop :Introduction to the Internet  Back to Workshop 1 Forward to Workshop 3   Workshop :Practice Web Pages

Conservation Jobs Center |  Conservation Grants Center |  Oak Run Library |  Cyber-Sierra 

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